FUE hair transplant in Tunisia
FUE hair transplant in Tunisia is used to avoid the disadvantages of the conventional technique of the strip,whichalways leavesa scar more or less with some possible scarring effects.A second alternative is thenpossible: The sampling of follicular unitsthrough punches; it is called FUE techniquewhich standsfor follicular Unit Extraction.
There is no incision but theirmight be many “spots”made by the punches. The size of the scars thus depends on thepunchesdiameter.
The sampling which consists intaking manually”hair by hair” can prove to belong and complicated (sometimes significant transaction rates, the diameter punches sometimes leaving disfiguring scars),but the contribution of automation has totally revolutionized this technique.
The Hair Collecting
The sampling area is generally on the crown areabut it is possible also to target the temples, neck, or other parts of the body (thighs, arms, legs).
The choice of punchesis paramount and various diameters are available to the patient: the 1 mm is the standard size, but at 0.9mm or 0.8mm withdrawals may be possible. Punches of 1.25 and 1.4 mm should be reserved for difficult cases (curly hair, curved follicles …)
This punch is connected to a hand piece as the dentist and rotation allows smooth and progressive dermal penetration of a few millimeters. The follicle is then drawn and ready to be relocated. But to prevent remarkable scars, it is preferable to use small diameter punches, but aspiration can sometimes be insufficient and the grafts can stay in the dermis.
In this case, it is better to move to a slightly larger diameter (0.9 or 1 mm). The bigger thediameterof the punch will be significant and bigger the better the aspiration will be butalso the “larger” the scar will be.Everything is about compromising … Both the surgeon and the patients have their own objectives: for the operator or the surgeon (sampling facility, low transaction rate) but for the patient (scar appearance).
The Hair Implantation Procedure
After the local anesthesia of the recipient zone produced there is provided the slits according to the diameter of harvested grafts.
If the implementation of transplants can be done with microsurgical forceps, the interest of the automated system is also able to carry out the layout with automatic planter: it looks like a pen in which the buds will be aspirated. It will then be positioned at the inlet of the slit and with a pedal; a piston will “push” the graft directly into the slot.
Postoperative period
The patient appears with a bandage on the occipital area which will be removed the next day (to prevent rubbing during the night).
The patientmust think about showering with very soft daily shampoos during the first few days to reduce the appearance of crusts.
There might be little social embarrassment and the resumption of most activities can be done in the coming days.
Intense efforts should be avoided during the first few weeks.
UUE Hair Transplant’s Drawbacks
Very technical procedure, requiring an amount ofpractice before you can achieve significant sessions.
Number of hair collected is generally lower than a session with a strip
Aspect of “Mithe” is possible if the practitioner does not leave enough hair between samples, or in case of large diameter punches (1.4mm).
This new approach provides a clear advantage for the gatheringof follicular units. For small sessions (up to 2500 hair), it is the intervention of choice (gulfs or isolated vertex, eyebrows, beard scar …). For importantsessions, the indication will be done case by case, to clearly identifythe patient’sdemand and the desired density.
Important Notes
FUE hair transplant session lasts a few hours depending on the circumstances andit is performed by a surgeon, not a general physician, accompanied by two nurses who have a good experience in this matter. These sessions are performed in our aesthetic clinic Les Jasmins and not in a private office.