FUT hair transplant Tunisia
FUT hair transplant in Tunisia, men and women alike can benefit from this surgery.
We treat complete bald as well as bald beginners. Small sessions are conducted to “hide” scarring (for example, lift visible scar or even post-traumatic or post-operative).
For males, most of alopecia is related to male hormones and genetically predetermined (Alopecia androgen Genetics), while for women, it will eliminate some deficiencies (iron deficiency, folate +++) or some hormonal disorders (dysthyroidism +++) thus these deficiencies have to be addressed first.
The advice of a dermatologist is essential in these cases.
The hair is taken from the occipital region of the patient, between the ears, and leaves a thin scar hidden by the remaining hair. It is therefore not visible.
The life ofremoved hair is identical to the other hair in the same region, that is to say 30 cycles of 3 years (90 in all)
An average session FUT hair transplant lasts for about three to four hours and is performed by a surgeon, not a general physician, accompanied by two qualified nurses who have experience in this field. These sessions are performed in our aesthetic clinic Les Jasmins and not in a private office.
With the patient lying on his stomach, the collection of strips is on the upper part of the neck (between the ears, slightly above).
The skin elasticity allows easy the closure which leaves a scar of a few millimeters of width easily hidden by hair.
When the collection is finished, the patient returns on his back, sitting or half-sitting. Then he will go back to his room, where he will be waiting for the preparation of the grafts.
The size of the collected grafts
The magnifying glasses, each strip is cut to obtain grafts three possible sizes (depending on the zones to be grafted)
Follicular units: one graft = one tuft of hair
Micro grafts: one graft = 1 to 4 tufts of hair
Minigreffons: one graft = 5 or more tufts of hair
These differences are very important because to obtain a natural result one should avoid the famous hair aspects of doll or leek field.
Placement of the graft
After anesthesing the area to be grafted, some tiny incisions are made in preparation for implantation.
These incisions, whose sizes vary according to the type of grafts, are placed very precisely, with an angulation of their own to give an appearance of natural regrowth.
Each graft is implanted manually withmicrosurgical pliers to manipulate gently.
At the end of the intervention, the patient simply springs with a dressing that will be removed the next day.
A hat or cap large may have put on his head if necessary without risking damaging the grafts.
Postoperative period
In the following days, a slight local edema may occur (usually in the forehead), but still quickly declining.
This is not an intervention with particularly painful consequences but the sampling area can bring some discomfort, it can be extended for some days.
It forms a small scab on each graft that can remain one to two weeks.
The points are absorbable and spontaneously leave before the end of the second week (they are not visible because they’re hidden by the hair).
Hair growth
In the days following the surgery, the implanted hair can fall but this should not frighten the patient, because stem cells (which produce new hair) remain in the implanted graft.
They will restore a hair that will begin a new life on its new place.
The speed of regrowth is then the same as for normal hair, ie 1 cm per month.
Although rare and never serious complications or worries can be:
Hair loss 2-3 weeks after surgery on the outskirts of the grafted area is very frequent. It is usually temporary.
Hematoma: mostly harmless, they can be removed if they are too large.
Infection: rare during an operation of the scalp. Rare micro-abscesses may be developed on a stitch and are easily treated with small local care.
Healing Abnormalities: very rare at the level of donor graft site.
Epidermal Cyst: They can appear on the transplanted hair and often resolve spontaneously. Otherwise, they are easily removed, and do not undermine the quality of the final result.